When we were first married, we sometimes bought furniture at farm auctions in the countryside around Ann Arbor. As the years went on and we had more disposable income, we just went to furniture stores when we needed something for the house.
When we moved to Belgium, though, the exchange rate was too high for us to purchase new furniture anywhere other than Ikea, so we turned to secondhand stores--Les Petits Riens or the ubiquitous Troc--and brocantes.
To furnish our new Arvada house, I've visited furniture stores and consignment shops. I've also become addicted to perusing the furniture section of craigslist. In addition to furniture and accessories that I'd actually buy (e.g., the bars stools now sitting in our kitchen) recent offerings included the following hard-to-pass-up items:
Eiffel Tower Lamp Base
Driftwood Coffee Table
Elk Antler Lamps
Diorama Coffee Table
"Taxidermied Raccoon and 3 Blue Wing Teal ducks
in naturalized setting.
Lights at night for an elegant look."

As my friend Georgia commented, "Just think of the countless hours of entertainment it would provide your four-footed family members."
Funny! I am not sure i could have passed the Eiffel Tower: too kitsch to resist. Diorama would give Old Gris heart failure!
I think the raccoons in the table with the light is awesome. I would take the ducks out though.
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