
A taste of the future?

In the past 17 days, I've had a physical, an ultrasound, a biopsy (benign), and, just to top things off, stomach flu. I also have a fistful of referrals for various medical procedures (mammogram, colonoscopy, bone scan, carotid artery scan). Jim has been home for the last two days with a bad cold. Our conversation has centered around health-related topics.

It's beginning to feel like an old folks' home, and I'm not talking one of those active lifestyle retirement communities.

1 comment:

Teri Bernstein said...

LOL...but it's not funny. So many tests, so many procedures. Days spent agonizing about results. This was not a pre-occupation of youth, for sure! Medical talk was phone talk with the in-laws. And now even I am "high-mainenance"--the gym, the lotions, the water-pik, fresh vegetables, enough sleep. Geez. Glad to see that word "benign"